I think we can all agree its been an interesting time lately. All the ‘normal’ routines we’ve been accustomed to have been thrown into the blender of life! Refocusing on the aspects we can control and setting a new game plan is empowering. If I can be any help or you just need 30 minutes to decompress, go over your health goals…I am here for you. Virtual consultations have been part of my business plan for years, so hop on board a Zoom call with me and let me encourage you!
Latest Blog Posts
What are Adaptogens?
Adaptogens are a group of herbs that possess properties to help you ADAPT TO STRESS, hence the name.
Green and Clean for your home!
It is no secret that there are thousands of chemicals, pollutants, carcinogens, etc. in cleaning products.
Bulletproof Coffee
What makes this bulletproof coffee stand out? I call it complete for a specific reason.
The Facts of Melons
In a single cup of cantaloupe there is over 108% of the daily value of Vitamin A and Vitamin C! It has a good source of potassium too.